Monday, November 21, 2005

Domestic goddess...or not

Recently I wrote about how I never get to spend any time alone so when I do, it weirds me out a little bit. On Saturday morning, Eric went to his parent's house to help his dad in remodeling the kitchen and I opted to stay home and spend the weekend relaxing. I promised myself that I would not go out (I knew it wouldn't be hard since most of my friends were out of town anyway). During my time alone, I learned some interesting things:
1. I really enjoy drinking coffee and watching the morning news without having to worry about the time and whether or not I should be getting ready for work.
2. Having the bed (and bedding) to yourself is the BEST. I haven't slept that soundly in a long time.
3. It's nice to be able to leave the house and not have anyone worry about when I'll be coming back.
4. It's also nice to spend as much time as I like in the grocery store.
5. It's ALSO nice to be able to watch the first 4 episodes of Desperate Housewives back-to-back without hearing any complaints.
6. I do not enjoy cooking chicken. I roasted one all by myself and got freaked out when trying to clean it because the ribcage felt like a cat's. After I finished cleaning it, I need a glass of wine, which lead to two glasses of wine and by the time Eric got home I was drunk (I'm a lightweight), wearing only my bra and shorts, singing and dancing to music and attempting to chop vegetables.
All in all it was a very restful weekend!

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